
26 Feb 2013



Oh my beloved!
You have bled and bled
No more tears to be shed
Over your death bed
Grief is beyond belief
I just pray
You stay

Oh my beloved!
With you they've messed
But I know the beauty
With which your soul is blessed
The heck
You shall rise from your wreck

Oh my beloved!
'Tis you I've loved
In you I've lived
You, the mother
I, a refugee
But now
'Tis you
Who shall in me
Forever live

Oh my beloved!
Through you I've made a dream:
Return to Palestine
Or is it - now:
Return to Syria?
One dream
Two dreams
Same dream

Abu Dhabi, 24 February 2013
Written spontaneously on Twitter. Each stanza was a tweet


  1. You really did inspired me to pick up my pen and feel the lines of my notebook. Well done and keep it up !

  2. perfect... made me tear up.
