
25 Nov 2011

Tweeting the Arab Revolutions

"Would you come to Sweden?"

Of course I would, was my answer !

It was during a conversation with Yasmine El Rafie in Cairo, back in July .. We thought it would be interesting to organise a symposium on Twitter journalism. Yasmine seemed very interested in my experience as a micro-blogger and seemed very aware of the intercacies of the double role of a mainstream media reporter : on screen / online.

So one day I got the invitation to Sweden.. It was an event about Internet and Democratic Change where I met lots of interesting net activisits.

My part was scheduled at the end of the day. And who better than the one and only Sultan el Qassemi to share this experience with?

I really enjoyed the spontaneous conversation with Sultan about our respective experiences living the Arab revolutions and covering them through Twitter. I think we should do a world tour :)

26 October 2011
Stockholm, Sweden

Version with Swedish subtitles

If having difficulty watching the video you may find it here

1 comment:

  1. Thank´s!
    I saw the program of you today, it was so interesting.
