
22 Jun 2011

Tweet Nadwa in Cairo ندوة تويتر في القاهرة

Tuesday 21 June 2011

What an exciting moment.. speaking to fellow tweeps with whom I have interacted for months over the net, without ever imagining we'd meet one day.

Meeting some of them face to face felt like we had known each other for a long time. I always call fellow tweeps: my Twitter family

Surreal jump from Twitter in Caracas to --> reality in Cairo

Surreal meeting .. where amazing Egyptians told us about their struggle in the past 10 years ... then went on to discuss the revolution and what to do next

I was truly impressed by those guys and their level of awareness and sense of responsibility

And when they like something being said, they raise their hands = Retweet :)
This is only the second TweetNadwa they hold. Excellent idea ! I love the spirit

Thank you life for giving me the opportunity to live such exciting, changing and challenging times


  1. الفكرة في حد ذاتها ممتازة فعلا..ووجودك في مصر شيء يسعدنا خصوصا من يعرفونك ويقدرون أهمية عملك ونشاطك..مصر نورت بيك :)

  2. The happiest moment of the unexpected guest :) ,Thanks Dima for your support and powerful words .

  3. شكرآ جزيلآ لحضورك المميز , لقد أضفتى طعم خاص و جميل للندوة

  4. الله يخليكم :)
    كما قلت وعينت كلامي أنتم أسرتي المصرية

    وأتطلع إلى مزيد من لقاءاتنا
