
9 Apr 2011

The "Fall of Baghdad" 8 years ago

Eight years ago on 9 April 2003 US tanks entered Firdous Square in Baghdad. Saddam's statue was brought down. Everyone watched that historic moment of the "Fall of Baghdad".

Back then I was working as a live news producer in Al Jazeera's newsroom in Doha. I would spend endless hours, days producing continuous live coverage of events in Iraq. I was featured in a documentary called Control Room where I argued that that moment was not the "Fall of Baghdad". It was just seen or meant to be seen as such. 

This year Al Jazeera English goes back to that kodac moment, talks to people who have lived it.

You can watch AJE's programme. The story on Iraq comes in at minute 13:29. I come in at 16:51, 18:17 (from: Control Room) and 18:40 

Or on Al Jazeera's website Listening Post - Al Jazeera English

PS I can't believe 8 years have gone by! 

PPS Don't miss the segment after the Iraq piece where two babies discuss the Iraq and Libya scenarios. Very funny

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